Why having a profitable gym became so difficult nowadays? What holds you down from gaining?

Why having a profitable gym became so difficult nowadays? What holds you down from gaining?

Today "doing business" is complex. There is no rain on this.

To exponentially increase the problems of the entrepreneurial class is the attitude of the average entrepreneur or of the one who would like to be.

Let's start with the basics of the problem:

  • He who has been successful in the past and is in crisis now. He is the entrepreneur who has had economic success in the golden years, but who has become completely impervious to improvement. "It has always been like this" is his workhorse, while reminiscent of the glorious 80s or 90s.
  • He who falls in love with an absurd idea.
  • The "wannabe" entrepreneur has no correct sources from which to learn what it really means to do business. He invented the famous "fit for mummy" in his small gym in the center of Milan and is convinced that it will be a huge success.

The problem is that today's entrepreneurship evolves around the concept of "selling a service".

  • I have an idea for a gym;
  • I take a shed to equip it;
  • I put my wife to make invoices, my cousin at the reception and my friend posting on Facebook;
  • The rest will come by itself as soon as I lift the gym door.

There is no hiding. In the post-war world - where there was everything to do - entrepreneurship was born, grew and went on like this. And so hats off to the superheroes who in recent decades have raised warehouses from nothing, giving many families food, a job and the opportunity to build a future.

The problem is that ... it doesn't work anymore.

We are in a market:

  1. in contraction of consumption;
  2. hyper-saturated in every sector.

Briefly said, there is less money and we are no longer in the 80s and 90s where the first who "did" a gym became rich.

Today there is already everything and more.

So the old model: service> gym hall> entrepreneur coach> big turnover doesn't work anymore. End.

Today a business is born and developed if it is centered around a complete marketing and sales system.

In simple terms, you have to ask yourself:

  • Is there a market out there that REALLY looks for what you want to offer? (and has the money to pay it?)
  • Do you have a differentiating idea that makes you prefer over your existing competitors? (That is not the battle cry "top quality at low cost")
  • Do you have systems that bring you a constant stream of potential A-series customers every day at the gym?
  • Do you have professionally trained people to convert hot contacts into contracts?

If you answered yes to all these questions, then you can say that you have a functioning business and you have a chance to survive on the market.

If, on the other hand, you answered no to a single question, know that your gym might be sitting on a time bomb right now.

I give you some very important advice today:

keep reading everything I send you because no one else will tell you what I have to tell you, nobody is really interested in the fact that your gym is profitable but they just want to sell you the equipment or tap you for nothing-based advertising campaigns .

If you want to know more about how you can systemize your business and gain much more than you could even ever imagine, just send an email to info@younix.it . A Tutor will help you with all the information you need to make your experience with us extraordinary.

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