Every great invention was preceded by a failed attempt, it took tests to start the first plan, it took years to create a competitive photovoltaic system on the market.
The first elevators suddenly fell into the void killing people, the first Coca Cola was made with coca leaves, because nobody knew its terrible effects.
It is the natural process of every discovery (also randomly) and then it is studied and found over time, with continuous, infinite analysis and tests.
The satisfaction of looking ahead and seeing that it works is incredible, it must have been so for every inventor who has seen his creation take shape.
There is only one problem: in the journey to get to your goal you’ll surely make mistakes.
Airplanes have crashed, elevators have fallen, cars have crashed, countless accidents can happen along the way to get to the final product and you have to be ready to suffer the consequences.
The same is true with the sales process at your Gym: to find the perfect way to win every negotiation and increase your closures you must necessarily make tests, find out which levers work best, test, make mistakes and start over.
I know, because I did it too, day after day, I have systematized a sales process that works, always and in any case.
Think of a modern airline, do you think it works again to design an engine from scratch or take the models on the market and use them for its planes?
No one is so foolish as to waste his time and his money if someone have already invented the right solution for him, the method that works, the best way to do something.
And then I wonder, why do you instead continue to make your personal attempts, when a sales system that works has already been designed, created and systematized?
Why don't you take the 10 years of experience I put at your service?
You can easily start from here: https://younix.lpages.co/6-pillars/ …
…to create a NEW system that predictably generates the results you want.