In all this talk of digital marketing and growth hacking, we often forget a fundamental point that Gym Owners should focus on, much more than SEO and how to contact influencers on duty.
The point is the following:
you cannot profitably grow your Gym if all the departments do not adhere to first level protocols that always and in any case communicate your positioning. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. From those who do a reception job and welcome customers, to those who work in the back end, to those who work in the front end like the trainers and to the person who cleans the gym.
Everyone in the company must have a precise mission, they must follow standard protocols under which they must NEVER come down.
In short, the behavior of EVERY single gear in your company must reflect the focus that you, as an entrepreneur, have to identify.
If this does NOT happen, the mess starts.
But when everything works properly, instead ... well then Magic begins. And you can really afford to sell your product or service at the price you prefer, because people will come only to you.
I'll give you a very clear example to allow you to follow me on the same wave frequency.
The Ritz-Carlton hotel chain is famous worldwide for the legendary level of its service.
And it is his own positioning "We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen" to function as a beacon in the night for all employees who work tirelessly to maintain this promise to customers.
Just to give you an example, some time ago a customer left the hotel and forgot about the computer charger in the room. He didn't even have time to arrive at the office to call the Ritz, who had already received a package containing the charger and a ticket that read:
"I wanted to make sure you received it as soon as possible. I was sure it would be useful and in doubt, I also sent her an extra charger for her laptop ".
You read that right.
He receive the lost item comfortably at home and in record time and they sent him one more, because the staff knew that the client works at the computer and travels a lot ... and he probably never has enough loaders in his arsenal.
At the Ritz, in fact, room service receipts are studied, all requests and purchases made by each guest are recorded. With the sole aim of monitoring every move, predicting his preferences and amaze him at the first possible opportunity.
And I'll tell you more.
The Ritz employees have a budget of $ 2,000 available to customers to amaze them, satisfy them in a special way and make them feel pampered and welcome even thousands of miles from home.
All the biggest companies in the world follow this philosophy, from Disney to Nordstrom.
But it's not like they do it because they are big. They grew up because they were born with this approach and kept it at all costs.
This is why you and your employees must row in the same direction. You can't hope to grow and grow up, if your employees don't respond to people, have biblical reaction times or even treat customers badly.
So, the questions you need to start asking are these:
- are you working to create an extraordinary experience to guarantee your customers?
- Do you want people to come to you because they know they will have a top level experience or do you rely on chance?
Do you limit yourself to just solve your customers' problems or do you constantly train yourself and those who work with you so that the entire Gym exceeds customer expectations?
And to do all this, I guarantee that you don't have to be a super-luxury hotel or have a budget of $ 2,000 available for each customer, like at the Ritz-Carlton.
Positioning, specialization, differentiation and not treating customers badly are the rule, the starting point. Then a bit of well-done operational marketing follows.
Your job as an entrepreneur is to work in this direction, even if you have a small gym or a PT studio.
Start from here and you will realize that the real problem that is holding your business down is NOT the big Gyms Chain or people who don't understand how good you are.
People do not flock to buy a “Virgin” membership because "it's cool".
It is a solution that bad Gym Owners push them to adopt with their inefficiencies:
- Having same services that they can find for cheaper at MacFit
- The slowness in procuring a transformational results to their clients
- The inconvenience of their service
- The botched organization
But if you don't give customers a good reason to come to you and not buy somewhere else - plus skip them when they contact you - then don't complain if you lower the shutter.
If you make it difficult, uncomfortable and unpleasant to buy from you ... if you don't train all your brigade to communicate the positioning in EVERY action done ... you're committing two millionaire marketing mistakes.
Millionaire errors because they cost literally millions of euros to almost all SMEs, which then blame the crisis and marketing "that doesn't work for us".
But to resolve these errors and put your company back on the correct tracks, you don't need to burn all your cash in desperate online campaigns to acquire customers.
First of all, you need to gather the correct information, company procedures and strategies that no one has ever taught you to create and develop marketing projects and companies with counter-eyes.
Companies that start small, like all of them, and that can then become really big in the right way and without errors, able to cripple your dream even before you leave.
At our Business Mentorship Program, I'll show you how to structure your Gym to surprise and retain your customers.
At the Free Introduction Webinar you will discover how can we help you with all that is essential for your business to avoid the most common mistakes among Gyms.
If you want to be well prepared for the Webinar I highly recommend you to get one of my book and open your mind since the first page:
It is a heroic undertaking that requires the courage to get involved and for this I can only congratulate you again.
I'll wait for you at the Webinar
PS: If you have questions, doubts or need help of any kind, we are here to offer you the best possible experience. In case of need write to and a Tutor will help you with all the information you need to make your experience with us extraordinary.