14-Day Reactivation Campaign

14-Day Reactivation Campaign

Reactivation campaigns are one of the easiest money making strategies you have at your disposal.

Send the following 3-email sequence to former clients over 14 days, with the first email going out on Day #1, the second email going out on Day #7 and the final email going out on Day #14. Feel free to tweak the body and the offer – but keep the format the same.

This 3-part approach has been proven for over 20 years and…yes, they work!

Day 1 - Email #1

Subject Line: We Miss You!

Dear NAME,

It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, and I miss working with you.

I realize that clients stop visiting the gym for a variety of reasons.

But I also know that sometimes clients relapse into their old habits after they stop visiting the gym because it’s tough to maintain the focus and stay dedicated on your own.

I sincerely care about you and your health and fitness. It was great having you as part of our “gym name” family, and because of that I wanted to reach out and invite you back.

To help motivate you to come back, I’d like to offer you your first month back at only “XY EUR” (that’s a “XY EUR” savings!).

This is my way of saying how much I’ve appreciated having you as part of our “gym name” family and how important it is to me that I can help you jump start your fitness progress.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy some of the upgrades we’ve made to the program and I can’t wait to have you back involved and reaching your fitness goals.

Just reply to this email or call our office at “phone number” to get started again.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your Friend and Coach,

Your Name

P.S. – We’re going to be starting our next session of camp on date, so if you want to get started again now to be ready for event/season, contact me soon.

 Email #2 – 7 Days Later

 Subject Line: RE: We Miss You?

Dear NAME,

About a week ago I sent you an email inviting you to come back to “gym name”.

I haven’t heard from you and I got worried … maybe I offended you in some way or maybe you are doing something else to reach your fitness goals.

In either case, I’d really like to hear from you.

If I did something wrong, I hope you will tell me so I can make it right. Or if you’re doing something else to reach your fitness goals, that’s great – but can you let me know so I can know you’re making progress?

I know you’re busy, so maybe you didn’t get a change to get back to me about my special offer of your first month back for only “XY EUR”.

That’s why I’m emailing you again – just to make sure.

This is my way of saying how much I’ve appreciated having you as part of our “gym name” family and how important it is to me that I can help you jump start your fitness progress.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy some of the upgrades we’ve made to the program and I can’t wait to have you back involved and reaching your fitness goals.

Just reply to this email or call our office at “phone number” to get started again. I look forward to hearing from you.

Your Friend and Coach,

Your Name

P.S. – We’re going to be starting our next program on “date”, so if you want to get started again now contact me soon.

Email #3 – 7 Days Later

Subject Line: One Final Try…

Dear NAME,

Over the past two of weeks I’ve emailed you a couple of times inviting you to take advantage of a special offer to come back to “gym name” for just “XY EUR”, but I haven’t heard back from you.

I do my best to be as attentive as possible to the needs of members of our “gym name” family and I hate to think that I did something to upset you.

Maybe I’m overly sensitive and you’ve just been busy and not had time to get back to me.

But it’s very important to me to make sure that every person that has been a member of our “company name” family has had a positive experience, so I want to know that you’re doing well and reaching your fitness goals even though you’ve not been with us in a while.

I’d really appreciate it if you could send me a quick email or give me a call and let me know if there is anything I’ve done that didn’t provide you with the type of experience you wanted at “gym name” or if there’s anything I can do to help you reach your fitness goals.

I realize you’re busy, but a quick email would mean a lot. And remember, I’d love to work with you again and you’re welcome to take advantage of that special offer of your first month back for only “XX EUR”.

This is my way of saying how much I’ve appreciated having you as part of our “gym name” family and how important it is to me that I can help you jumpstart your fitness progress.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy some of the upgrades we’ve made to the program and I can’t wait to have you back involved and reaching your fitness goals.

Just reply to this email or call our office at “phone number” to get started again.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your Friend and Coach,

Your Name

P.S. – We’re going to be starting our program on “date”, so if you want to get started again now to be ready for event/season, contact me soon.

- - - - - - - - - - -

There are plenty of stuff I want and I must tell you to make your gym prosper but hey! Wait a minute!

If you want to be well prepared on it I highly recommend you to get one of my book and open your mind since the first page: https://younix.lpages.co/6-pillars/

PS: If you have questions, doubts or need help of any kind, we are here to offer you the best possible experience. In case of need write to info@younix.it and a Tutor will help you with all the information you need to make your experience with us extraordinary.


3 thoughts on “14-Day Reactivation Campaign

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