
[1/5] Who is CEO & Founder of Younix? And why should you believe him?

I’m sure you have already read my blogs and if not it means you are new to Younix and in both case is a great occasion to tell you more about me, what I did in the past and especially what can I do for you and how can I grow your Fitness Business,

I’m writing you this letter mainly to introduce myself as the game changer in the world of Sport Performance Fitness and especially in your business life.

My name is Umberto Avino and I’m the CEO & Founder of the Younix® Corporation.

We help fitness entrepreneurs and coaches transform their Strength and Conditioning businesses through quality products, expert consulting, coaching, ongoing support and mentorship.

For more than 10 years now, my mission has been to help people around the world achieve their athletic performance by promoting physical activity and creating innovative equipment. I’ve made every effort to find solutions that are highly functional and aesthetic to ensure a workout like never before.

We started from nothing, together with a team of experienced craftsmen skilled in carpentry and a just graduated engineer we have created the first set of modular, multi-functional structures for modern fitness, already 12 years ago before than almost anybody started this business in Europe. The system revolutionized the world of fitness with the possibility of building modern rack structures, climbing ropes, rings and many accessories, either freestanding or wall-mounted and of any size from as little as one meter.

We started selling throughout Europe, Middle East and Canada and I’ve personally helped more than 1.500 entrepreneurs with direct consulting and private visits to their gyms. I’ve talked with so many people and visit thousands of gyms around the globe where I could help coaches to solve their problems with the design of the gym, the choice of the right equipment and the management of the spaces.

I’ve estimated than more than 1 million people now train regularly with my former equipment in over 50 countries worldwide.

But I quickly realized that awesome equipment was still not enough to get a successful gym…

My passion for Italian Design was a motivation to find solutions for my customers in terms of the style and architecture of the new, evolving concept of gyms. A big part of the success is down to knowing how to arrange quality equipment in the right way within a highly motivating and challenging environment, always keeping in step with the times.

The life of the customer who belongs to the club, design with an emphasis on beauty, and the quality of the equipment are all essential and an important key to successful training.

But once again, Equipment and Design were still not enough, that’s why I’ve created Younix®.

….now wait till the next article to understand what happened next!


P.S.: you can wait till the next article for the continuation of the letter OR just write to with your Phone and best date and time to call you or if you prefer to be answered by email give us a sign and we’ll do that.

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