How to convince a customer to become a member of my Gym?

How to convince a customer to become a member of my Gym?

The other day I replied to a Gym Owner who asked this question:


" How to convince a person who has just arrived at the gym to become a member?

Especially if I have prices 20% higher than the competition?! How is possible !!! "


This was my answer:


"How to convince" is a wrong and naive question.

It implies that you really think there are words, phrases, ways of saying that put together in a "strategy" or pitted more or less in order should "make people change their mind".

The problem is that all this has nothing to do with selling, nor with negotiating, nor with persuading.

There are no magic words.

Every problem you encounter in negotiations is NEVER generated at that level, but at a previous level that you missed.

Said easier, the problem here is NOT that this gentleman does not accept to become your member (which makes you think he is a fool who needs a psychiatrist).

From his point of view, probably You are crazy who want to take more money than the rest of competitors for unknown reasons.

Words like professionalism, quality, better product, best service, number 1, customer care, kindness, and bla…bla bla… sounds empty and everyone says the same shit that the customer. Even any sort of mental strategies or NLP strategies don’t work here!

So how can I can I convince him if I don’t talk about my quality and professionalism or use some special words to make him change idea?

Ok, let me tell you slightly more technically, here you have reckoned without the host, assuming that by bringing a price proposal and showing your activities at the gym, talking about your professionalism and how good you are, putting some magic words together then all people would accept to become your member.

If you ask at the fish market if their fish is fresh, what do you think they will answer?

The problem here is not acceptance at all.

"How to convince ... blah blah blah ...?

"Answer:" What the fuck do I know? I didn't talk to him and I don’t know which kind of marketing you put in place before this customer has crossed the threshold of the entrance of your gym "


 Now, maybe you could be the smartest salesman or gym owner, who has been selling for a long time and I don't want to doubt that you constantly applies what you have learned over the years.

That's not the point.

The point is that as far as "forward" in the negotiation he thought he was, the truth is that he wasn't at all as far ahead as he believed, or hadn't done all "by the book" (surely he hadn't done everything by MY manual).

"Hey, but I did everything perfect."

No, you did not do everything perfect, because if you had done everything "perfect", the customer was signing for the membership while he is still roaming the city looking for some other solutions than the one you propose him.

As one who does not lose weight and says "but I followed the diet to perfection and I trained well", yes, but you are continuing to gain weight visibly and in the morning when you want to weigh the scale escapes and hides in the wardrobe!

And there are two things here:

  • You're fucking with me and you didn't do absolutely everything perfect like you're telling me;
  • You actually did "everything perfect" according to your fees, which obviously are not (or are no longer) sufficient to close a sale.

In both cases there is a problem, and it's big. I also know that sometimes (as rarely as possible, as far as I'm concerned) there are "No", for heaven's sake.

"No" is not the problem of sellers.

It is not that you necessarily have something wrong, maybe the acquisition process was wrong and you found yourself facing a non-targeted person who - as spectacular as you are doing your job – he doesn’t buy your membership or maybe your product or your service is not good for him.

This is.

How you Position your gym into the market and how you run your marketing plan can tell a lot about the the future of your gym and the possibility to close deals.

To get the message to the prospects mind a unique impression needs to be created in his mind so that the prospect will associate something specific and desirable with the gym products and services. Something that is unique and different from the rest.

To create a position strategy, first identify the brand’s uniqueness and determine what differentiates it from the competition. You must be focus.

But the focus is not on the development and creation of the product and services itself.

It’s how to position services and products in the mind of the prospect.

How to communicate a straightforward, clearly defined explanation of the positioning premise.

This is the first aspect that needs to be defined in order to create a successful gym that will stand out on the market.

Today I want you to answer only one question, but you don't have to answer to me, you have to answer to yourself, with proverbial honesty, not like when you went to confess to the priest!

  1. What position do you own?

Determine how your gym is currently positioned in the mind of your prospect. You need to get the answer to this question from your prospects. It is important how they see your gym, not how you think they see it.

And it is your duty to answer since you deserve to take a nice bill at the end of the month as you are busting your ass!

If you want to have a better idea on how to position yourself and destroy the competitors you must give a look at this link


If you didn't do it yet, we highly recommend you to:

94 thoughts on “How to convince a customer to become a member of my Gym?

  1. avatar pnjpwtqgg says:

    How to convince a customer to become a member of my Gym?– Younix

  2. avatar vwwpnyyvww says:

    How to convince a customer to become a member of my Gym?– Younix

  3. avatar rtzvlssjhp says:

    How to convince a customer to become a member of my Gym?– Younix

  4. avatar zcpfjzbvmx says:

    How to convince a customer to become a member of my Gym?– Younix

  5. avatar vdmiwnsncc says:

    How to convince a customer to become a member of my Gym?– Younix


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